Welcome back to school, Roughnecks! Opening day of the new year is always a flurry of activity and there are lots of supplies that have to be gathered to get you ready.  The ones for speech class are pretty simple.  So, let’s get started!

1.  Each student will need a simple, two-pocketed folder with paper fixed inside for class notes. The pockets are needed to help keep up with handouts, test reviews, etc. from Mr. Higginbotham.  This should be brought to class EVERY day. You will also need a package of 3 X 5 notecards to use for speech presentations. Please pick these up as soon as possible.

2.  Both a pen (black or blue ink) and a pencil. All tests will be taken in pen ONLY.

3.  Throughout the year, depending on class projects, it may be necessary for a student to gather some additional supplies to be used on those assignments. When (and if) that time arrives, the student will be given ample notice so that they have time to make arrangements.

4.  Finally, and this is the MOST important supply……each student MUST bring a willing, cooperative attitude with them to class each day, along with a sense of FUN and ADVENTURE. Yes?